Long Tail Pro Research Tool – Low Hanging Fruit King For Keywords 8

Trying to get Higher Ranks in Google? Still not sure how a Research Tool Can Assist You?

Why Long Tail Pro Could Increase your Traffic! Find out using this

Low Competition Research Tool At It’s Best in 2016

I started out with a research tool called Jaaxy – First free 30 searches – be sure to take advantage of these starting out!

Long Tail Pro is the Next Step in Research Evolution and Definitely a LEGIT Recommendation! 



Once you click the link above you will get to experience “The Difference” with an adequate video explaining what LTP is in detail. Check it out!

You owe it to your business to create a presence online! This is why I’m recommending this product with my stamp of approval!




Have Questions? Please comment below and let me know if I can help with anything!

Your Friend,


Founder of SwiftlyWorkFromHome.com

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8 thoughts on “Long Tail Pro Research Tool – Low Hanging Fruit King For Keywords

  • Carolyn

    Interesting… I didn’t know this existed. Very helpful info! It could be worth the money for most of us, those who are making a full-time business from their web-sites. You have to spend money to make money. The $1 trial is a good feature. Finding thousands of keywords in just seconds sounds awesome!

    • Kevin Smith Post author

      Hi Carolyn

      Yeah the $1 trail is what made me hip to it! Great value to get the full experience of the product! I believe anyone truly devoted to expanding their audience would gain value from this research tool!

      I’m going to be developing an in-depth Review fairly soon! Just wanted to get my ducks in a row to cover everything LTP has to offer! The best feature is to find the less competitive keywords to create more traffic which in turn pays for itself!

      Thanks for the comment and I hope get some value out of LTP if you take advantage of the $1 Free Trail,


  • roamy

    Hello Kevin
    Im surprised to read such a review about long tail pro.I was looking for a keyword tool when my search brought me to your site and im pleasantly surprised.
    I struggle with keywords and have never really understood how the low hanging fruit keyword phase work.I did not click at the banner on your site as l thought i`d ask you first.
    How much does long tail pro cost per month? on your post, you mentioned Jaaxy with 30 free keyword searches, how does Jaaxy compare to long tail pro?
    Thanks for your answer

    • Kevin Smith Post author

      Hello Roamy,

      Don’t worry! Your perfectly capable of checking out the banner on the site! It actually adds the most value to the product! It directly takes you to the video that explains everything about LTP!

      Please check it out if you have the time to watch a short video on the product or even check the pricing! Pricing is actually linked in the banner with a $1 Free Trail with additional savings if you choose to continue using the product!

      It simplifies my upcoming in depth review (I’m currently working on it at the moment) Just finishing up a few points! I started out using Jaaxy and in a sense they are both amazing research tools!

      Personally I’m liking Long Tail Pro slightly more. For a quick breakdown rating I’d give Long Tail Pro a 9.5 out of 10 with Jaaxy at 9.0 out of 10.

      Love the 30 free searches to get your feet wet with Jaaxy, but LTP has a $1 Free Trail which is totally worth it if your looking to expand in this area!

      Thanks for stopping by and much love to your future keyword success with your business! Hope this answered your question. If not feel free to go in more depth with another reply!


  • Neil

    Hey Kevin!

    I have tried Long Tail Pro and although it’s a great tool, I still found it a little difficult to use and I also had to download it on to my computer.

    I then switched to Jaaxy, and Jaaxy is by far the best keyword tool I have ever tried. LTP is good but Jaaxy is AWESOME for keyword research!!!


    • Kevin Smith Post author

      Hey Neil,

      Appreciate the comment! I completely agree with you to some extent. I’m use to downloading programs on my computer, so that didn’t hinder me to much personally, but may be a problem for others (good point)!

      My ultimate goal was to acknowledge that their are tools outside of Jaaxy (Most claim they do more than they say), LTP did exactly what it promised throughout my $1 Free Trail/month after use.

      I want to make my point clear that Jaaxy is not at all an inferior product (it is the reason it has an honorable mention within my post). IT is AMAZING! Hassle free/simplicity and overall a wonderful research tool.

      LTP works and although a bit more complex, it is still definitely worth mentioning for the $1 Free Trail for this legitimate research tool. I suggest everyone tries it out if they have yet to do so and decide for themselves between the two or my #1 option I’ve linked down below.

      Since we are on the topic. I’ve been using within Wealthy Affiliate is just as good! Check out this post and I think it adds great value to WA alone if your good to go without the bells and whistles so to speak! http://builtoolastonline.com/howtowatool


  • Jacob Schilling

    Hi Kevin. I have heard good things about the Long Tail Pro Research Tool. I have a lot of experience with Jaaxy, but none with Long Tail Pro. Out of the two, which would you recommend? I already have a year account with Jaaxy Pro. Would you recommend investing in Long Tail Pro even though I already have an investment in Jaaxy?

    • Kevin Smith Post author

      Hi Jacob,

      Sorry for the delayed response. Holidays and Family have been keeping me busy. If you recently invested into Jaaxy Pro, you probably already experienced the keyword wealth it provides. I myself started with a free 30 uses of Jaaxy so you may have more insight to Jaaxy, but I did see a possible future with it until I used Long Tail Pro.

      They are both amazing tools to niche research. Personally I’m not in this for short term gains, I’m looking at the Long Term outlook and I think Long Tail provides a much more low hanging fruit approach which influenced me to invest time into it. 

      I definitely think taking advantage of the $1 Trail of Long Tail is worth investing in alone. Does not hurt at all having two tools to enhance your keywords and produce more visitors and you can determine which tool is more valuable to you in the end. 

      On that note I have been using the keyword tool within Wealthy Affiliate instead of Long Tail. I feel like I’ve honed my skills on keywords over the years in experimenting (trail and error) enough to rely on myself rather than the tools. The one within WA is enough for my needs at the moment, along with google and playing alphabet soup.

      Hope this helps and was not to vague.
